Hi everyone, and welcome to the official KL Keener Performance Horses blog! I am not sure how often I will publish to this blog, but I have a lot of thoughts rolling around in my head that I am hoping to eventually write about. Expect to see a variety of equine related topics…everything from how to improve your riding and exercises to improve your horse, to horse care, to my own thoughts and reflections on the equine industry. I also welcome any topic suggestions that you would like to learn more about. For my clients both past and present…yes, there is a good possibility that you may see yourself in some of these blogs, and that’s ok! The process of learning about horses is never-ending, and as horsemen and horsewomen we are continually evolving. The struggles that each of you go through on your journey are mirrored by the struggles of many others, and to be able to share those stories can help other riders to feel like they are not alone, as well as perhaps offering them guidance and encouragement. One of my biggest goals as an instructor is to not only teach horsemanship in the sense of how to ride better, but to also foster a sense of wonder about these amazing animals and to instill a further desire to learn about and truly appreciate them. This is obviously my passion, and I am so very privileged to get to share it with others! I sincerely hope that this blog will be at the least an interesting read…and hopefully it will also be helpful in your equine journey as well.