Riding Lessons
We offer both English and western riding lessons to students of all levels, ages 7 and up.

From giving young horses the right foundation for their first rides, to tuning up and furthering the skills of more mature mounts, we can customize a training program that fits your horse's specific needs.

Clients have the opportunity to compete at several show circuits and competitions throughout the year. Students compete in everything from showmanship, equitation, trail, hunter under saddle, horsemanship, and western pleasure to ranch horse classes, cowboy dressage, and competitive outdoor trail challenges. Come join in the fun!

Learning starts from the ground up
We believe that it is important for all riders to know how to not only ride, but also to know how to care for and handle horses safely and effectively. Even our smallest riders take part in learning how to groom and prepare the horses before their lesson.
Challenge Yourself
As your abilities grow and you deepen the relationship with your horse, competition can be a fun way to expand your horizons. Whether competing in a traditional horse show environment, or attacking the always unexpected at a competitive trail challenge, we participate in numerous competitions to give you and your horse opportunities to get out and try something new!

Want to learn more?
Want to find out more about our offered services or get started on your own journey?